Friday, October 14, 2011

Remembrance Service

Last night I attended a Remembrance Service at the local hospital. The purpose was to celebrate babies and children who have been lost too soon. The chairs were set up outside, complete with programs and Kleenex. Glowing luminaries surrounded the seating area. Candles were ready to be lit in honor of a loved one. A young man and woman checked the microphones and warmed up their singing voices. Refreshments were organized inside for after the service.

The service was lovely. A celebration of a terribly difficult situation. Prayers. Scripture. A young woman shared her struggle and the eventual joy that she found in her life. Encouragement. Each family was invited to light a candle for their lost child. Would you like to say a word? Oh, the sadness as they went up and lit their candles. I prayed for them. Please provide peace Lord. The young man and woman sang a song about being homesick. How appropriate, homesick for my lost baby. They sang Amazing Grace. A reminder of how great God is.

What was my role? I brought a quilt for decoration. I brought Bibles and a quotation book. I brought prepared blocks in pink, blue, and yellow. I brought fabric pens. After the service while enjoying refreshments, I was going to help the families write a memory block. I was so nervous. I prayed for courage and wisdom to help these families. God please give me the right words at the right moment. They came a few at a time. They cried. We shared. They wrote beautiful words on the fabric.

Afterward, I collected my things. I would take the blocks and make a quilt for the hospital to display. I am so thankful God gave me this gift of quilting. I am so thankful that Pam Travers asked me to create quilts for these families to have during their time of need. I am so thankful that God blessed me with two daughters after two miscarriages. God I pray for these families to have peace, comfort, encouragement.


  1. Hummmm, 'pears I was already right in my comment over at Heart Open to God. Beth !! I love this blog and what a huge gift you are giving. Warm quilts for cold nights for hurting hearts for empty arms. I'm praising our Father that He called to this ministry our Beth with the servants heart.

  2. I am always amazed and humbled by what God thinks I am capable of doing. God bless you Liz.
